Senior dining delivery menu


Monday, Feb. 28: Hot Delivery. Ham and bean soup, whole grain crackers, fresh veggies and dip, fruit. Dining Center Cafés: Plainfield, Saxeville.


Tuesday, March 1: Wautoma Bulk Frozen Pick-up. Creamed turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, whole grain dinner roll, apple crisp. Dining Center Cafés: Hancock, Poy Sippi, Wautoma.

Wednesday, March 2: Hot Delivery. Redgranite/Wild Rose Frozen Pick-up. No meat. Breaded baked fish, baked sweet potato, garden salad with fresh vegetables, whole grain peanut butter bar. Dining Center Cafés: Coloma, Redgranite, wild Rose.

Thursday, March 3: Whole grain beef noodle hot dish with corn and cheese, mixed vegetables, pistachio pineapple fluff. No Dining Center Cafés.

Friday, March 4: Hot Delivery. No meat Friday. Vegetable egg bake with spinach, peppers, onions, cheese, mushrooms, low sodium V-8 juice, banana, coffee cake.

Menus are subject to change. Senior Dining Centers will continue to operate as Café Pop-ups, and participants will receive that day’s menu items.


Face coverings are no longer required. Attendees are encouraged to be vaccinated. The goal is to increase to at least 3 days per week for most sites over the next few months, depending on staff availability and COVID activity.
