Westfield Area Middle School students participate in Solo/Ensemble Festival


Students from Westfield Area Middle School entered events for this spring’s WSMA Virtual Solo/Ensemble festival.

Normally, students would prepare a piece and sing it before a judge on a weekend. This judge would give in-person comments, and award a rating.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WSMA offered virtual solo/ensemble festivals, where students prepare their piece, record their performance, and upload it to their website. A judge would then watch the performance, and give written comments and a rating. The following students entered an event and received a rating:

Ariella Klitzke: Class C solo - 1

Eli Olson: Class C solo - 1

Madelyn Volz: Class C solo - 1

Isabell Nelson: Class C solo - 1

Alyssa Rich: Class C solo - 2

These students chose their pieces this fall, and worked on them throughout school closures. Their achievements and participation in this event are something to be commended.
