Westfield Area High School hosts 25th annual Bowls for Hunger


After having to turn last year’s annual Bowls For Hunger soup supper into a drive-thru pizza and bowl sale because of COVID, the soup is back.

Many area restaurants have pledged to bring in one or more of their delicious soups or chili for the Dec. 6th fundraiser that runs from 4 to 6 p.m.

This year Westfield High School plans to donate proceeds to the food pantries in Marquette, Adams and Waushara Counties, all of which are represented in their school population.

The meal will be a “takeout only” event this year as we continue to be concerned about the gathering of large groups.  Participants will be able to choose their soup as well as their twenty-fifth annual commemorative bowl.  Soups, coleslaw, bread and dessert will be packaged for convenient transport.


Jeff Napp, the chief organizer of the project indicated that a stoneware bowl at an art and crafts fair would cost at least $10 to $12.  However, Napp stated “the reason that we continue to make the bowls each year is to give students and faculty alike the opportunity to experience helping with something that has true altruistic reward”,

The “Big Bowl” raffle will also be back and featuring a series of large mixing and serving bowls as well as some other donated raffle items.  This has always been a big hit at the event.  Tickets can be purchased at the door for the raffle as well as the meal.  Students will begin selling tickets this week as well as accepting monetary donations from individuals as well as businesses. Volunteers hope to make this year a great success.  Please mark Monday, Dec. 6th on your calendar.  Everyone hopes to see you there.

  • Westfield High School students Piper Watry, Hannah Smolek, Jade Murphy, Macey Krueger, Caroline Aguilar, and Lily Volz display the bowls to be used in the Dec. 6th fundraiser.
    Westfield High School students Piper Watry, Hannah Smolek, Jade Murphy, Macey Krueger, Caroline Aguilar, and Lily Volz display the bowls to be used in the Dec. 6th fundraiser.