Redgranite Elementary School announces Student of the Month


Nominated by Julie Pet-ersen, Redgranite Elementary Third Grade Teacher.

“This student demon-strates respect from the very beginning of the day. During our morning meetings, he greets his classmates using eye contact and a kind voice making sure that his classmates feel welcome. He also listens attentively to his classmates when they share during morning meetings.

During class, he is a respectful student when he raises his hand to participate and is always ready to learn new things. He shows respect for our classroom environment when he keeps his desk area clean and organized. In the hallway, he walks quietly to ensure that he doesn’t disrupt other classes.


On the playground, he demonstrates respect by playing by the rules and being kind to all students who are outside at recess. He is respectful in the lunchroom when he uses his manners. He always says “Yes, please” or “No, thank you.”

He respects adults in our school when he holds conversations with staff members. He listens attentively and genuinely cares about what the adults have to say.

I am proud of the example he sets for others. His respectful demeanor is something that we can all try to emulate. It is with great honor that I nominate Will Gustke as Redgranite’s Student of the Month.”

  • Will Gustke
    Will Gustke