Redgranite Elementary nominates Student of the Month


Fynlie Korman, Grade 3, was nominated by her teacher Julie Petersen as Redgranite’s Student of the Month. Mrs. Petersen gave the following statement with her nomination.


“This student is a shining star at Redgranite Elementary School. This student demonstrates responsibility each and every day in many ways. For example, she is ultimately responsible for learning new things and she always puts forth 110% effort to do so. She is responsible for being a leader in our classroom and I can always count on her to lead by example. She is respectful to adults and children in the school. She always speaks in a kind tone and uses her manners. She can be counted on to follow school rules in and out of the classroom. When I think of being responsible, I think of her.

  As I nominate this student for the character trait responsibility, I would like to point out that she could also be nominated for the following character trait awards: Respect, Integrity, Empathy, Determination, Leadership and Cooperation. It is with great pleasure that I nominate Fynlie Korman as Redgranite’s Student of the Month.”


  • Fynlie Korman
    Fynlie Korman