Sheriff Zuehlke speaks to the Rotary Club of Wautoma


Sheriff Wally Zuehlke spoke to the Wautoma Rotary Club members about what has been going on with the Waushara County Law Enforcement.

Zuehlke stated that like many organizations it has been a year of dealing with COVID-19.  In the Jail a whole shift has been dedicated to positive tests and contacts. The other shifts stepped up to cover the openings. Many of the staff now have been vaccinated.

Keeping the staff, which now numbers 65, safe are three UV lights that kill the COVID-19 virus.  The lights are used throughout the jail on a regular basis. All of the portal vehicles are disinfected regularly. The booking has a whole body scanner that takes temperature x-ray of the whole body in four seconds.

The Courthouse was another area that saw a lot of activity, with the creation of a single point of entry. The entrance is located at the side of the Courthouse and each individual and all carry ins are checked.

The Sheriff gave an update as to the nature of calls for 2020.  Almost every category was down this past year except suspicious people reports, medical emergencies, and welfare checks. 


One future project will be taking over patrol of the lakes, snowmobile and ATV trails. The Wautoma Rotary meets every Wednesday at noon at the Stahl Celebration and Remembrance Center east of Wautoma and on Zoom.  Rotary welcomes visitors and prospective new members to each meeting. Masks are required for the in person. Find The Rotary Club of Wautoma on Facebook.

  • Sheriff Zuehlke spoke with the Wautoma Rotary Club about local law  enforcement protcols.
    Sheriff Zuehlke spoke with the Wautoma Rotary Club about local law enforcement protcols.