Senior dining delivery menu


Monday, Feb. 7: Hot Delivery. Pork chop with mushroom gravy, whole grain noodles, beets, apple-sauce. Dining Center Cafés: Plainfield, Saxeville.

Tuesday, Feb. 8: Wau-toma Bulk Frozen Pick-up. Cabbage roll, baked beans, corn, zucchini cake. Dining Center Cafés: Hancock, Poy Sippi, Wautoma.

Wednesday, Feb. 9: Hot Delivery. Redgranite/Wild Rose Bulk Frozen Pick-up. Cranberry, chicken breast, baked potato with sour cream, green beans, rye bread, Rice Krispie treat. Dining Center Cafés: Coloma, Redgranite, Wild Rose.

Thursday, Feb. 10: Poor-man’s lobster, whole grain wild rice blend, broccoli, coleslaw, fruit.


Friday, Feb. 11: Hot Delivery: Spaghetti with meat sauce (ground turkey), Italian vegetable blend, whole grain garlic bread, tropical fruit.
