Land Conservation & Zoning and Medical Examiners annual report presented to the Waushara County Board of Supervisors


Todd Wahler, Waushara County Land Conservation & Zoning Director presented his annual report to the Waushara County Board at their regular meeting at the Waushara County Courthouse, Wau-toma, on March 16.

Wahler said, “2020 will undoubtedly go down as one of the most challenging years we have faced in recent memory. Not only we were hit with COVID, which introduced a number of serious health and service constraints, we were also faced with an election year that introduced a number of economic uncertainties and personal apprehension in the work place.”

General permit activity soared to even high record levels in 2020 eclipsing record numbers experienced in 2019. We witnessed a 7 percent increase in overall Land Use Permits, a 7 percent increase in Sanitary Permits and a 75 percent increase in Public hearings.  In all the department saw a 29 percent increase in total permit revenue to the County which is  approximately $99,000.  This is great news, especially since building experts and economists had expressed serious concern for 2020 and the fact that building materials costs were at an all-time high, Wahler said. Based on current inquiries and early 2021 numbers, they are on track to eclipse 2020 figures.

He also said that the mandatory septic system maintenance notices were sent to 3293 Waushara County landowners, resulting in 78 citations, with only six of those remaining as outstanding. This represents an overall compliance rate of 99.8 percent.


The department conducted over 749 field visits to various properties around the county. They included 167 sanitary system inspections, six on-site soil verifications, about 265 code non-compliance investigations, 69 annual travel trailer inspections, 206 landowner requested information visits, two re-vegetation verifications, and 34 address number assignments.

The annual Conservation Field Days environmental learning event was cancelled due to COVID-19. The staff has reached out to school administrators to see if the event can be held in the Fall of 2021.

Wahler concluded by saying he was proud of Waushara County, the resiliency of his staff as they found ways to persevere, he is grateful to the board and the staff at the county, and he enjoys working alongside his staff each and every day.

Waushara County Medical Examiner, Amanda Thoma, also presented her annual report and said that in 2020 she had 250 cases.  Of those 216 were natural causes, 22 accident, 4 suicides, and one undetermined (deer).  That count is up from a total of 195 in 2019. Thoma said she saw a spike in cases beginning in August with 38, of those 32 were natural, 4 accident, 1 suicide, and 1 referral.  In September there were 20 cases; October 27; November 27; and December 24.

Thoma said that for 2021 they are already up 17 from a year ago.  “I am also working to make systematic changes before they end up with me,” she said.  She also added that most of the overdoses in the county are from transients.   She works with neighboring counties and they have secured some funds for training. She told the board she does some of the transporting for autopsies and the cost for an autopsy is around $1,500 and the she uses NMS out of Philadelphia as she can get the results in two weeks.  She added the state will do autopsies at no cost but it takes six to eight months to get results.

She told the board she is thankful for her Chevy Traverse as 95 percent of her needed equipment is housed in it, making it convenient when arriving on the scene.

Following the presentations, the board approved:

*Terminating Tri-County Regional Economic Development Corporation;

*Ordering the Issuance of Tax Deeds on Certain Tax Foreclosed Property;

*Allowing Parks Director to apply for trails aids;

*Funding for a second Assistant District Attorney Position through contract with the State;

*Zone change for Gary Kohel, Town of Springwater;

*Recognized April as National County Government Month “Counties Matter”; and

*Designating April 12-16 as Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week.


The next regular meeting of the Waushara County Board of Supervisors will be held on Tuesday, April 20 at 7 p.m. at the Waushara County Courthouse, Wautoma.


