Letter to the editor


For months now, I’ve received offers unsolicited by me to buy my house. They came by email and postal from people who knew the area was being reassessed by the county. They hoped to low-ball, which is buy low-and flip it by selling higher.

I asked the Waushara County Assessor if the airport-Alliant Energy solar farm project on 535 acres nearby was related in any way to the reassessment.

He wrote: “To arrive (sic) at this (market) value we used sales from the last three years directly from Witter’s (sic) lake area.”

The solar project began in 2018 and reportedly (Argus) may serve 15,000 Wisconsin homes by the end of 2023.

Blader said nothing about land speculation, but it sometimes happens. I believe his fail to answer to be an oversight.

The fact my value rose $70,000, which is 56% higher than year ago, doesn’t mean my taxes will go up. So, market value hike is a good thing, right?

No one needs another Fox conn-like real estate speculation.


Tom Waller

Town of Dakota seasonal resident
