Wild Rose School board holds annual budget hearing

The proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year at Wild Rose was approved during the annual meeting and budget hearing held Aug. 7. District Administrator Craig Hayes presented the budget summary. The proposed tentative budget is set at $10,315,848 which is a $30,232 or .3 percent decrease. The proposed tax levy is $6,942,456, a $493,207.98 or 7.1 percent increase. The mil rate then comes in at 6.74, a .50 or 7.42 percent increase. Sandie Anderson was elected chairperson for the meeting portion of the evening. The reading of the minutes of the 2022 annual meeting was dispensed. The auditors and treasurer’s report, as well as the clerk’s report were read and approved. School Board salaries were approved for staying the same: $85/meeting for each member; $450/year for the board clerk; $275/year for the board treasurer; mileage reimbursement at the current IRS rate; expense incurred paid when on school business. The district was auth-orized to provide student accident insurance. The proposed levy of $6,942,456 was approved. The setting of Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. for the 2024 annual meeting was approved.