Free event for Waushara County Middle Schoolers

A free event for Waushara County Middle Schoolers, Grades 6-8. Cruising back to school sober party hosted by Waushara County Human Services Youth Innovation Grant and various business sponsors. This is part of the Youth Innovation Grant that Waushara County Human Services was awarded to help promote school justice partnership and overall youth wellness within our community. This first ever sober party was organized to instill how to create a life without drugs and alcohol. The goal is to provide youth the skills to put together their very own Sober Parties. The sober parties have been planned by youth with the assistance of Humans Services staff, school personnel, parents, community volunteers and local law enforcement. It has been found when you are able to provide a safe alternative to the way we think of parties, youth are more apt to create an environment for fun and connection without the use drugs and alcohol.   You may scan the QR code or visit to register your youth. There will be swimming, games, DJ, photo booth and lots of fun. If you have any questions please contact Katie Peterson at 920-787-6607 or
  • Free event for Waushara County Middle Schoolers
    Free event for Waushara County Middle Schoolers