Questions for the County Administrator


Dear Editor,

A sound off item published in the Oct. 29 Berlin Journal (page 19) contain these two very concerning sentences:

“Each county in Wisconsin was given a 60 page “Guide” from Evers/Palm in order to control the lives of citizens through strict enforcement.

This document talks about hiring non-law enforcement guards to keep citizens in detention centers and restrict all visitors.”

Would the county administrator, the county board chairman, or a county supervisor please submit an article to the Waushara Argus and answer the following questions:

Who would be put in these detention centers?

Why would they be sent there?

Who would be hired to be a non-law enforcement guard?

What type of facility would be used as a detention center and would it be located in our county or elsewhere?

Who in Waushara County would be responsible for enforcing this?

Has Waushara County officially accepted this Guide as part of their emergency declarations?

And, last but not least, in this 60. Page document what other protentional restriction on out liberties are contained there-in?


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Hanke, Pine River.
