Gardening Tips and Highlights


Forcing bulbs in a pot        

by Christine Yesko


Force a few spring-flowering bulbs for indoor enjoyment or added beauty on your patio and deck.  Consider using a variety of bulbs to extend the bloom time.


Plant the bulbs at various depths based on their size.  Fill the bottom of the container with a well-draining potting mix.  Place larger bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths in the lower level. The taller daffodils will go in the center skirted by the tulips and hyacinths.  Place tulips with the flat side of the bulb facing the pot for a better display. Cover with soil and add the smaller bulbs like squills and crocuses bulbs to the next level.  Plant them close covering the surface for greater impact.  Then cover with soil.  The next step is to water then move to a cool location, about 35 to 45 degrees for at least 12 to 15 weeks.  When they are ready you can bring them indoors or place in your landscape for added color.

Forced bulbs can be added to the garden, just remove the faded flowers and water the plants like your houseplants or other container gardens.  Fertilize with a diluted solution of flowering plant fertilizer.  This helps replenish the nutrients used in flowering.  Move the forced bulbs outdoors as soon as the danger of frost has passed. They can remain in pots until the foliage fades and the garden is ready for planting. You can also store the bulbs in a cool dark place for summer and plant in the fall with other hardy bulbs.  Then it is time to be patient.  You usually don’t have flowers until the second spring.

Stay safe and warm this holiday season.

