To all of our readers –


We appreciate you sharing your opinion with us, but at times your opinion has some language and attacks that we cannot print and we do have it edit it out.  Everyone has a political view, and our nation is seeing things like the pandemic that we have never seen before.  We are blessed to live in a nation that lets us have a political view.

With respect to all – we are printing excerpts from a couple of responses from the letter Phyllis Jenks wrote so our readers get their viewpoint in print.  We will not be taking any further letters after July 30th that have to do with the national political scene.

With all that is happening in the nation, we cannot be the avenue for national political views.  We are the county seat weekly newspaper serving five area school districts and we care about the people that live and work here.  We cover county government, City of Wautoma government, and many of the villages in Waushara County.

Letters to the editor are welcome concerning local issues.

Thanks for your understanding,

Mary Kunasch, Publisher

Waushara Argus/Resorter
