Accidents reported in Waushara County


The Wautoma Area School District held their Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting on Aug. 24 in the Wautoma High School gymnasium. District Administrator Tom Rheinheimer presented the report.

It was reported that $86,000 was able to be placed in the Fund Balance by the District, and $200,000 was moved into Fund 46. Those funds can then be used for future capital improvement projects for the District.

A plan is set in place by the District to receive an increase of $300 per student in State Aid. The District will be seeing an increase in Federal and State Aid as well. ESSER and GEER funds will be used to assist with the pandemic at schools that are of high need as part of the CARES Act. ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) Funds are non-accessible at this time. GEER (Governor’s Emergency Education Relief) Funds are coded to the General Fund until access is granted to the District.

The food service fund balance was reportedly decreased to $221,734.32. Items have been purchased to update the kitchens, along with providing off-site meals during the school shutdown.


The Board then moved on to their Annual Meeting that night.

Andrew Krueger was appointed as the chair-person, Tom Kubasta as Parliamentarian, and Katie Schaefer as secretary.


The following was approved during the meeting:

• Minutes from the Aug. 26, 2019 Annual Meeting.

• Treasurer and Auditors report.

• FY2021 General Fund Budget set at $17,352,959.00.

• Necessary tax levy to support budget.

• School Calendar begin-ning Sept. 1, 2020.

• 2020-2021 National Sc-hool Lunch Program.

• Student learning re-sources.

• Student accident insur-ance.

• Resolution to borrow money, if necessary, to operate until taxes and aids become available.

• Prosecute/defend any legal action or proceeding in which the school district has interest.

• Authorize the acquisition of real estate through purchase or condemnation.

• School board salaries (current rates): meeting stipend-$80 per meeting with no additional stipend for back-to-back meetings; President-$655; Vice President-$655; Clerk-$580; Treasurer-$580; and Mileage-IRS current rate.

• Authorize payment of actual and necessary expenses of board members who travel in the performance of duties.

•  2021 annual meeting date the 4th Monday in August or other date prior to November 1, 2021 (Suggested: Oct. 25, 2021).
