Wild Rose School District to host referendum open houses and school tours


The School District of Wild Rose will host two community-wide Open House and Tour nights for district residents to learn more about the referendum to address facility needs at both the Elementary and Middle/High Schools.

At the open houses, residents can see the schools first-hand and ask questions about the facilities plan in advance of the vote on Tuesday, April 5, 2022.

Open Houses will take place:

•Thursday, March 3 at Wild Rose Elementary School Cafeteria: 6-7:30 p.m.

•Tuesday, March 15 at Wild Rose Middle/High School Cafeteria: 6-7:30 p.m.

Residents can also visit https://www.wildrose.k12.wi.us/page/referendum-spring-2022 to learn more about the needs, see the referendum plans, and learn about the specific projects at each school. Questions can be emailed directly to referendum@wildroseschools.org.


Two Question Referendum on April 5, 2022

Based on positive feedback from the district-wide community survey, the School District of Wild Rose School Board unanimously approved two referendum questions for the April 5, 2022 ballot.

Question 1 authorizes $15,600,000 for educational improvements, including a classroom addition, renovations, safety and security improvements, building infrastructure and site improvements at the Elementary School; as well as renovations, safety and security improvements, accessibility updates, and infrastructure, site and outdoor athletic facility improvements at the Middle/High School.

Question 2 authorizes $2,300,000 for HVAC upgrades including air conditioning at the Middle/High School.


Tax Impact

The estimated maximum tax impact for Question 1 is $0.60 per $1,000 of fair market property value, or $60 a year on a home valued at $100,000. The estimated maximum tax impact for Question 2 is $0.18 per $1,000 of fair marketing property value, or $18 a year on a home valued at $100,000.

If voters approve both measures, the combined estimated maximum tax impact for both questions would be $0.78 per $1,000 of fair market property value, or $78 a year on a home valued at $100,000.


Facilities Planning Background

Over the past year, the District has been assessing and evaluating options to address facility needs that are too large to be covered by the District’s annual operating budget. A district-wide community survey gathered broad feedback on a proposed plan for educational improvements at both schools.

Survey results indicated that:

•68% of all resident respondents would support a referendum to fund the improvements in Question 1.

•68% of all resident respondents would support a referendum to fund HVAC upgrades including air conditioning at the Middle/High School in Question 2.

•The School District of Wild Rose scored well above average in terms of overall satisfaction, delivering a high-quality education, and building pride in the community, as compared to similar school districts.


As a result of this positive support, the School Board is confident in moving forward with plans to improve educational spaces for both today’s students and for the next generation. The School Board also believes this is a good time to invest in upgrades to our facilities because of the District’s healthy financial situation and near-historic low interest rates.
