Wautoma Area School District continues supporting student’s mental health


The Wautoma Area School Board received a presentation from Wautoma High School senior Abby Peterman on the Sources of Strength project that has been established in the high school during their monthly meeting on Nov. 8.

During her presentation, Peterman explained to the board Sources of Strength was implanted at the high school in order to help all of the students manage their mental health and the daily stress of school. Peterman along with a handful of other students were selected by faculty members to be trained as peer leaders. The selected leaders attended trainings from ThedaCare representatives the past two years in order to learn how to be available to the student body and offer assistance, whether it be with homework workload or with other struggles they may be having.

Information about the program as well as peer leader and faculty introductions were shown the high school students in a video presentation last school year. According to Peterman, the video helped the students identify individuals who are considered their peer leaders as well as those faculty members who might be someone who they can go to in a time of need.

The Sources of Strength project follows a wheel of topics students can turn to, which includes Mental Health, Family Support, Positive Friends, Mentors, Healthy Activities, Generosity, Spirituality, and Physical Health. Peterman also provided the board with examples on how peer leaders have helped students, including with how to handle homework workload. Overall the project’s purpose is to create a safe-space for students at school and to create a support system for those who need it.


The board went on to hear the 2020-2021 State Assessment Data from Director of Instruction Sierra Steuerwald, which looked at data from the Forward Test (given to student’s grade 3-8), the ACT Aspire (given to freshman and sophomores) and the ACT (given to high school juniors). With the COVID-19 shutdown during the 2019-20 school year, the comparison data was a little different this year due to the gap in testing; however, the District is close to the state average for English Language Arts and Math.

The Category C Midwest Softball Fieldtrip was up for second consideration during the meeting; however, with Head Softball Coach Tom Butt unable to secure a game and the trip no longer existing for this year, the board had to deny the request for second consideration.

The distribution of the WASD 2022-2023 School Calendar Draft was tabled until the December meeting as the administrative team is looking into including two additional staff workdays. According to District Administrator Tom Rheinheimer, the two days would replace the curriculum days that teachers are often pulled out of the classroom for in order to attend. The revamped calendar proposal will be distributed during the December meeting.


The following agenda items were approved by the board: the staff gift card initiative; the resignation of Kathy Dickey, Riverview Elementary Helper, Kristi Tomlanovich, Substitute Bus Driver, Ali Sowieja, A+ After School Enrichment Leader, Elizabeth Cepeda, A+ After School Enrichment Leader, and Erin Coron, A+ After School Enrichment Leader; the employment of Terah Johnson, Accounting Clerk, and Grace Lehr, Basketball Girls High School JV Coach; the Culture of Healthcare Course, 1st Consideration; and the Riverview Elementary School Facility Study RFP.

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