Wautoma Area School Board receives 2020-2021 WASD Accountability Report Card


The Wautoma Area School Board gathered for their monthly meeting on Dec. 13 at Riverview Elementary School where District Administrator Tom Rheinheimer presented the 2020-2021 WASD Accountability Report Card.

The Accountability Report Card is given each year to compare school districts based on index scores. These scores are determined by data in the following priority areas: student achievement, student growth, target group outcomes, and on-track to graduation. Due to the pandemic shutting down schools in 2020 the district did not have a report card last year. Although many students across the state were not tested during the 2020-21 school year as well, Wautoma was able to test all of the required students.

An index score of 71 has been given to the Wautoma Area School District, which places the district in the Exceeding Expectations category. Due to the demographics of the district, the score is given a greater weight toward student growth in comparison to student achievement. Rheinheimer explained how the scores compare with state predictions, which showed that Wautoma has been exceeding expectations with a variety of topics such as language, math, and even attendance and graduation.

Most of the data is collected from Parkside School and Wautoma High School where more students are tested, while 3rd – 5th grade students at Redgranite Elementary and only the 3rd graders Riverview Elementary are included.

During the administration reports it was reported that many staff member expressed their appreciation to the board after receiving gift cards for their hard work throughout the year. The board received many cards and emails of gratitude. Some staff members paid it forward with their gift cards by giving them to those in need reported Mr. Rheinheimer.

Athletic Director Adam Vaughn gave an update on the South Central Conference, stating that Berlin and Ripon are attempting to join the conference as their enrollment numbers have decreased. Nekoosa’s football program will also be trying to rejoin the conference as well. So far, the WIAA has voted down Berlin and Ripon’s requests, but the schools will keep trying.

Board President Nicole Lehr went on to complete a public opening of Riverview Elementary School facility study proposals. The board received a total of five proposals to take home and review for an upcoming closed session.

The distribution of the 2022-2023 school calendar draft was also received by the board. The new calendar will have Wautoma High School start time set as 7:50 a.m. and end time as 3:15 p.m., Parkside School and Riverview Elementary will have school from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. and Redgranite Elementary will have no changes to their schedule. The extra time added to the end of the day will allow for the four saved snow days and three additional staff work days without having to pull teachers from the classroom during the school day. The calendar will be reviewed by the board for the next meeting.

The following agenda items were approved by the board: the resignation of Sarah Pietkauskis, Wautoma High School Assistant Musical Director, Alyssa Szymanski, A+ After School Program Support Assistant, Kassandra Cepeda, A+ After School Enrichment Leader, Adam Vaughan, Softball, High School Assistant Coach, Katherine Schaefer, Advisor, High School Yearbook, and Katherine Parks, A+ After School Redgranite Elementary Site Coordinator; the employment of David Woyak, Boys Basketball, High School JVR Coach, A+ After School Staff, and Jeffery Stahl, Volunteer High School Softball Coach; and the proposed Culture of Healthcare, 2nd Consideration.
