Redgranite Village Board approved purchasing tree for Veteran’s Park


On March 16 the Redgranite Village Board approved a purchase of a tree to be planted in Veteran’s Park. The cost of the tree is being shared with the Redgranite Advancement Association, with the total cost of $550. The board discussed which tree they would like planted, with the mention of a black hill spruce being a favorite among members. The tree will have a two year warranty and will be planted late summer or early fall this year.

The board also considered a financial donation from the Donald Murray Family for a memorial. The family was given a list of possible ideas, with one idea being a memorial bench in Willow Creek Park as there isn’t any there yet. The family will be looking over their options before making a final decision. 

Spring brush and leaf pick-up was also approved. Brush pick-up will take place the week of May 3-7 and leaf pick-up will be May 3-28. The neighborhood cleanup which was originally set for May 10 was rescheduled to May 17 after Ellen Caswell, Village Trustee, brought attention to the possible rain date of May 8 for the Redgranite Quarry cleanup and Mother’s Day that weekend. If the rain date ends up being used, along with families celebrating Mother’s Day, Ellen noted that families may be too busy to do their spring cleaning that weekend. The board approved the new date of May 17 to give the community time to get their cleaning done before the pick-up.

The Village is seeking a new full-time officer to replace Ben Strojny who will be leaving the position on Apr. 30. Officer Strojny will still be available part-time if needed, but only for a limited number of hours. The Village is also in need of part-time officers to fill up the busy summer season, particularly during the quarry’s busy season starting May 15 through Labor Day. Job postings will be listed for a full-time officer and a few part-time officers.

Dan Sanchez of Friends of the Redgranite Quarry provided a list of future projects he hopes to finish with the landmark. Belinda Passarelli, Board President, presented the list to the board and listed potential options for funding the quarry. Two options for funding include Capital Project Funding 170 (c) or Non-Profit Funding 501 (C) 3. “I do not feel that I am in a position to make a definite decision as when looking at these options brought up more questions,” Passarelli stated. The purpose of this agenda item was to keep it on the minds of the board while considering their options. The board tabled the discussion as they look into more information.

Chief Kyle Tarr also highlighted an Ordinance that will need to be put in place with the opening of the Redgranite Quarry in regards to the park hours. The quarry will be open to the public from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Any recognized organizations and/or divers who have approval from the Village Board or Village Police Department may use the parks until 12 a.m. (midnight). On Apr. 2 the Redgranite Quarry will reopen for walking or hiking around the quarry and fishing in the quarry. Swimming is prohibited until further notice.

During the Village Clerk report it was brought to attention that Carmen Roehl, a candidate for Village Trustee on the Spring Ballot, has dropped out of the race following her moving away. Her name does need to be kept on the ballot for the election, and if she wins she will have to deny the position in order to appoint another candidate.

In other business, the board approved:

•The resignation of Ben Strojny as full time Police Officer.

•A change and update to the employee handbook regarding allowing two personal days during employees first year of hire, with days not being based on accumulated worked hours and may be carried over into the next year for usage prior to March 31 of next year.

•A change to Section 8-5-1 ATV/UTV Operation Within the Limits of the Village of Redgranite Ordinance that will give an exception for law enforcement to have tracks on their ATV.

•The MSA Invoice 592010 #10 (street construction) for $1,423.88.

•Installing internet connection at the village shop.

•A purchase of a printer not exceeding $200 for the village shop.

•Plant lift station digital controller – B & M Technical for $3,850.

•Purchase of Bio Genesis from Probiotic Solutions instead of Humic Acid.

•Obtaining quotes for sewer main televising, 3,000 feet (a DNR requirement).

•Flushing hydrants the week of Apr. 12 – 16 or Apr. 19 – 23 depending on the weather.

•A comfort letter to Founders Real Estate Service for Family Dollar to Lease the Old Sentry Building from Potential New Owner Everest Group.


The next regular Redgranite Village Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, Apr. 20 at 7 p.m. at the municipal building.
