Sheriff Zuehlke responds to letter to the editor


To the Editor,

A couple weeks ago there was a letter to the editor from a victim.  I had thought about it in great length and wanted the public to know the Sheriff’s Office does care and that is ones persons perception.  So I have attached my response.

As Waushara County Sheriff, ensuring the safety of our community is my first priority. Through my years in law enforcement, I know that protecting victims’ rights is crucial to any effective criminal justice process, and to our public safety. Strong crime victim’s rights are very important to us in this county and have always been in line with our commitment to protect victims and treat them with dignity and respect. Wisconsin recently adopted a new constitutional amendment known as Marsy’s Law, which strengthened the rights of Wisconsin crime victims, and continued that strong tradition.

Marsy’s Law has been in place for just over a year, and in that time, we have seen the positive impact that the new amendment has had on the criminal justice system here in Waushara County. The role of victims in legal proceedings has expanded, and victims are increasingly able to have a strong voice in the criminal justice process.

By upholding Wisconsin’s strong tradition of protecting victims’ rights, we can help ensure that crime victims have confidence that when they come forward to report a crime, their rights and safety will be protected by our legal system. This in turn helps us to hold criminals accountable, and makes all of our communities safer.


The mission of the Waushara County Sheriff’s department is to enhance the quality of life for those people living and visiting in our community. I’m proud to say that Wisconsin’s new crime victims’ constitutional amendment has given us additional tools towards accomplishing that mission, for Waushara County crime victims, and all of our community’s residents.

Have a wonderful day,

/s/Sheriff Wally Zuehlke
