Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

Although it does not appear that Wisconsin requires that drivers operate their motor vehicles with their lights on during daytime hours, it simply makes sense that, the more visible a driver can make their vehicle, the safer it is for everyone.  This is especially true on two lane roads which have unlimited cross traffic.

During this past week, with the smoke and haze in the area from the Western and Canadian forest fires, it is particularly helpful if all drivers use their headlights during the daylight hours.  It is appalling, however, how many drivers don’t drive with their headlights on even in fog, rain, or snow.  Light colored vehicles are especially difficult to see when turning onto or crossing two lane highways.

So, when you start your engine, buckle up your safety belt, how about turning on your lights as well and make our roadways safer for everyone.

Joe Perez

Town of Rose
