Damage to swim area barriers at Town of Mt. Morris Park


To the Editor,

The Park at the Town of Mount Morris has a designated swimming area maintained by the Town of Morris.  The Swim Area border has been damaged both at the end of last summer and again, now at the beginning of this swim season.

In order to maintain safe use of our park facilities and the swimming beach, we need the help and cooperation of our park users, to remain off of the swim area barrier and to avoid damages to it.

The swim area barrier is there for the protection of the swimmers, keeping boaters from entering into that swim area.  We will be unable to continue to offer this swimming beach to the public if the users continue to destroy the park facilities.


If you see anyone misusing our town park, please notify county law enforcement or members of the town board.  Thank you for your help and cooperation to keep this nice town park swimming area available to the public.

Mount Morris Town Board
