Citizens address Wild Rose Village Board

The Wild Rose Village Board was approached by citizens wanting to address the Board during a June 7 meeting. Tara Anderson gave the board an update on how fundraising was going for the fireworks display for Wild Rose Days. It is desired to have extra special fireworks this year because of the village’s 150th anniversary, but with price hikes, more money is needed for the special fireworks display. Anderson wondered if the village could possibly do something to help in raising the extra funds. The village is unfortunately able to help. Chuck Brownlow of the Wild Rose Airport Association spoke to the board regarding the maintenance of the airport driveway. Since the village owns the airport, the village has shared the cost of adding stone to the driveway in the past. The Airport Association had received a proposal regarding the work. Kelley Sand and Gravel was at the meeting to present a proposal to the board regarding other matters and offered a tie-in to the airport as well. The board tabled a decision on the purchase of fill for the airport driveway, and postponed the decision on the estimate from Kelley Sand and Gravel. The board did go on to approve several items including: -An ordinance amendment for the mobile home park. -CMAR by Resolution #2023-2. -A fireworks permit for Great Lakes Fireworks, LLC for the Wild Rose Days fireworks. -A request from the Waushara County Dept. of Aging to waive rental fees for the use of Roberts Park on June 29. -The closure of a portion of Carey Ave. from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. from July 17-21 for the Grace Bible Church’s VBS. -Liquor and tobacco licenses as presented for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The new garbage pickup date which was supposed to start early this month, but will now start in early July. The next regular board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 11.